Apply for the Scholarship Program
As one of the many ways in which we seek to further our mission, the Foundation works in cooperation with WERC-recognized Regional Relocation Groups to support a scholarship program for high school students and undergraduates. We encourage all Relocation Regional Groups to participate.
The Foundation Board of Trustees also recognized there is an opportunity to amplify the impact of the scholarship program. We are excited to announce we have created a pathway for students to apply for scholarships in areas where there is not a WERC-recognized Regional Relocation Group. (Must be a U.S. state or territory at this time.)
Scholarship Winners
The Foundation works in cooperation with WERC-recognized Regional Relocation Groups to support a scholarship program for high school and undergraduate students. Eligible students submitted essays of 1,000+ words that, at a minimum, addressed the challenges and experiences encountered while relocating to their new home and school, as well as success stories.
view winners